Empowering Families Events - Resource Library
A series of online webinars and resources designed to support families negotiating the entire Education Health and Care Plan process.
Empowering Families Events: Refusal to Assess Session 2
Empowering Families Events: Refusal to Assess Session 1
Empowering Families Events: Transition EHCP Review
Empowering Families Events: An EHCP is only as good as the wording in Sections B and F. Learn how to check the wording in your EHPC or draft EHCP for legality, request necessary amendments and respond to your LA or prepare for an Annual Review.
Empowering Families Events: An EHCP is only as good as the wording in Sections B and F. Learn how to check the wording in your EHPC or draft EHCP for legality, request necessary amendments and respond to your LA or prepare for an Annual Review.
Empowering Families Events: This event will support you to use the annual review process to keep your child’s EHCP up to date.
Empowering Families Events: This event will explain your options if your LA have finalised your child's EHCP naming a school that can't meet needs.
Empowering Families Events: Education Health and Care Needs Assessments The first in a series of webinars produced by Empowering SEND Families to support parents negotiating the Education Health and Care Plan process.